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The goal of the specialization of “Applied Geology-Geophysics” is to provide for scientists with sufficient technical training and skills, so that they may cope with:

  1. The increasing demands of modern academic and applied research in the fields of geodynamics/ tectonic geology/ and geophysics/seismology, as well as
  2. The increasing work demands of the modern public and private sectors, in matters regarding the design and construction of technical projects, planning, conducting, and composing technical, hydrogeological and environmental assessments, etc.

This goal is achieved by a carefully balanced curriculum of courses, laboratory and practical exercises, as well as the preparation of innovative theses. During the first and second semesters, emphasis is given on the multidisciplinary approach demanded in modern geosciences. The offered courses and exercises provide students with an advanced spherical training in integrated problems of tectonics, geological engineering, applied geophysics and seismology. During the third semester of the Program, students have the ability to choose the courses that will provide them with a comprehensive training in one or more from the previously mentioned disciplines. In the final (fourth) semester of the Program, students prepare their thesis on an appropriately selected subject that will allow them to delve into their preferred field of expertise.

MSc Specialization Course List (press to download pdf file)