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Students admissible in the MSc programm “Earth Sciences and the Environment” are primarily graduates of Earth Sciences from Greek Universities, and foreign institutions accredited by HNARIC (Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center). Admissible are also graduates of relevant or complementary to Earth Sciences schools, either Greek or foreign accredited and recognized by HNARIC. Non-exclusive example of this latter category are Physicists, Chemists, Oceanographers, Biologists, Geographers, Archaeologists, Topographers, Civil Engineers, Mining Engineers, Environmentalists, Environmental Engineers, Agricultural Engineers etc.

Applications are accepted from all who have graduated, or certifiably completed their studies up to, and including the deadline set for the submission of applications, as defined by the annual announcement of the Study Regulations. In the case of a pending convocation, applicants must submit a Letter of Completion from the Department’s Secretariat, on which the final degree will be clearly indicated.

The "Earth Sciences and the Environment" PMS has a maximum number of admitted students set to forty-five (45) per academic year. Each Specialization admits up to fifteen (15) students. The number of students in one Specialization can be increased to eighteen (18) at most, if and only if there are fewer than fifteen admissions in other Specializations and strictly up to the completion of the maximum number of admissions.